JB Caravan and Trailer Services is celebrating 10 years of trading

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This year JB Caravan and Trailer Services have been trading for ten years, and we would like to say a huge thank you for choosing us for your repair or service.

For our special anniversary and throughout 2021 we are aiming to give something back to our customers to say thank you for choosing JB Caravan and Trailer Services over the years. This will be discussed as we see our customers over the coming months.

Award Badge JBC v1

Remember, we are one of the few original mobile service agents in the area and since we set up all those years ago many customers still use us for their repairs or servicing and continue to recommend us to others. With 30 years of customer facing experience, we strive to continue to offer the best service to you and pride ourselves on customer feedback.

Company growth and further qualifications has enabled us to offer our great services to further areas of industry, with similar positive customer experiences creating even more positive recommendations.

We look forward to seeing all new and existing customers over the next 12 months.

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