Our Approved Workshop status has been given the green light for the 8th year

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We are annually assessed for membership of the Approved workshop scheme, which covers compliance of working practices, codes of conduct, insurances, equipment calibration etc etc, so this is important for our industry.

“Following our annual assessment for inclusion into the Approved Workshop Scheme, we are pleased to say our status is green, as it has been year on year and throughout each year during our current 8 years of membership.

What does this mean to you?

The assessment inspects our commitment to the Approved Workshop Scheme code of practices, which are in place to protect the consumer, meaning we are regulated by those codes. This is the ONLY regulation within our service industry.

Tool calibration certification is inspected, to ensure equipment used is accurate and working correctly. Wether that be torque wrenches, digital measuring equipment, damp meter etc.

All appropriate liability insurances are in place.
All training and qualification certification is in date and applicable to the industry.

Further equipment, parts, safety aspects, paperwork and procedures are all inspected to ensure compliance to the expected level of service.

Nearly all manufacturers of caravans and motorhomes recognise only the Approved Workshop Scheme members as being able to service their vehicles without invalidating warranty.

More information on the scheme can be found at www.approvedworkshops.co.uk

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